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Role of gamma/delta T cell receptor-expressing lymphocytes in cutaneous infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus




The high number of γ/δ-expressing T cells found in the epithelial lining layer suggests that they form a first line of defence against invading pathogens. To evaluate the role of γ/δ T cell-receptor (TCR)-expressing cells in cutaneous infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus, mice lacking γ/δ-expressing T cells (TCRδ−/−) were inoculated intradermally with S. aureus, and compared with S. aureus-infected congeneic TCRδ+/− control mice. The number of bacteria recovered from the skin of TCRδ−/− mice was significantly higher (P = 0·0071) at early time-points after inoculation compared to the number of bacteria isolated from infected TCRδ+/− congeneic controls. Nevertheless, inflammatory responses measured as serum IL-6 levels, were significantly lower in TCRδ−/− mice than in the control group. A possible explanation for this discrepancy was the observation of significantly decreased overall numbers of infiltrating cutaneous T lymphocytes, which are important producers of IL-6. These results support the notion that the γ/δ-expressing T cells that reside at the epithelial lining layer of the skin is of importance for early containment of the bacteria, thereby limiting their replication and spread.
机译:在上皮衬里层中发现了大量表达γ/δ的T细胞,这表明它们形成了抵御入侵病原体的第一道防线。为了评估表达γ/δT细胞受体(TCR)的细胞在金黄色葡萄球菌引起的皮肤感染中的作用,将缺乏表达γ/δ的T细胞(TCRδ-/-)的小鼠皮内接种金黄色葡萄球菌,并与金黄色葡萄球菌感染的同类TCRδ+/-小鼠相比。与从受感染的TCRδ+/-同系对照中分离出的细菌数相比,在接种后的早期时间点,从TCRδ-/-小鼠皮肤中回收的细菌数显着更高(P = 0·0071)。然而,以血清IL-6水平衡量的炎症反应在TCRδ-/-小鼠中明显低于对照组。对于这种差异的可能解释是观察到的浸润性皮肤T淋巴细胞总数显着减少,而皮肤T淋巴细胞是IL-6的重要生产者。这些结果支持这样的观点,即位于皮肤上皮衬里层的表达γ/δ的T细胞对于细菌的早期遏制具有重要意义,从而限制了细菌的复制和传播。



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